Jordan Tourism Board announces six-month marketing campaign

The Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) has launched a six-month marketing campaign to highlight the destination?s hospitality, history, culture and discovery.

Over the course of the campaign, more than 40 ?Jordan? taxis will be on London?s streets as well as 100 buses, digital panels and LCD screens in underground stations, rail landmarks and backlights in major London stations as well as regional promotions.

A large portion of the campaign also links in with ?The Martian? ? the new Ridley Scott film starring Matt Damon being released today (October 2), which was filmed in Wadi Rum.

Adel Amin, the JTB?s director of marketing, said: ?We look forward to seeing agents capitalise on the promotion period to work together to ensure visitor numbers to our wonderful Kingdom of Jordan increase. The campaign is designed to show Brits what the country has to offer, and inspire them to visit, as well as extend support to you, our trade partners.

?The campaign will highlight areas such as Petra, The Dead Sea, Wadi Rum and Aqaba. Our objective was to create desire and intrigue through a combination of thought-provoking headlines and stunning visuals.?