It’s all about accessibility for Ras Al Khaimah at WTM

Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority’s CEO, Raki Phillips, has taken to the WTM stage to highlight the destination’s connectivity expansions and sustainable future as a prime leisure destination.  

Speaking to Travel Bulletin, Phillips stressed his excited about the destination’s latest airline partnership to join the roster, Qatar Airways, and the bolstered connectivity this service allows. 

“The new Qatar Airways partnership is something that we're quite excited about, because it's a fantastic airline that really reaches out to multiple destinations around the world. We launched the inaugural flight on November 1st from Doha directly to Ras Al Khaimah and is a very easy flight to the destination.

“So, when you're flying from any of the key destinations across Europe, and especially in the, in the UK, you get to transit through Hamad International Airport in Doha on a quick layover, and then you land directly in Ras Al Khaimah. I always say it's one of the fastest experiences from landing to being in your bathing suit on the beach! It shouldn't take more than 20 minutes.” 

Accessibility is key according to Phillips, and the destination is keen to keep improving its accessibility options for travellers over the next few years in order for Ras Al Khaimah to become a staple in the average traveller’s holiday calendar. 

“We are currently conducting an accessibility review, to make sure that we cater to the needs of all visitors that come. We, as the UAE, already welcome tourists from more than 200 nationalities, it is a very welcoming place. But accessibility is important to us, and initiatives are currently in our audit to improve it.”

As sustainability is such a hot topic on everybody’s mind at the moment, Phillips laid out his passionate feelings on the subject and discussed his vision for the future of Ras Al Khaimah, including the partnership with global certification company EarthCheck. The destination has performed better than the UAE average, with greenhouse gas emissions measuring 29% better than previous years and waste output has increased by 61% 

“We looked at sustainability and to us it has to cover three key elements: economic sustainability, cultural sustainability and environmental sustainability. We've partnered with a company called EarthCheck, where we have signed a pledge with 30 businesses across Ras Al Khaimah including hotels to government entities that evolve a pledge to improve the sustainability elements and based on the 18 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) provided by the United Nations, we were able to really put programmes together to meet those capabilities.

“I'm proud to say that Ras Al Khaimah is the first certified sustainable tourism destination tourism in the region by EarthCheck.”