RateHawk: pushing trade potential at WTM

The president and CEO of the Emerging Travel Group spotlighted RateHawks ability to push the envelope of trade potential.

Previously an early investor in Uber, Airbnb, and more, Felix Shpilman joined Emerging Travel Group (the parent of RateHawk) in 2013, and asked one simple question: "Why is nobody building a great user experience for travel professionals? The thousands of firms and hundreds of thousands of people in the travel trade?"

Kickstarting the development of RateHawk, Felix explained the fundamentals behind the platform: "The first is the product itself. So it has to be functional, it has to have all of the right feature sets built into the product on both mobile and web."

Maintaining these fundamentals, RateHawk has become a top-ranked mobile app for agency use, and risen in booking accessibility and diversity. 

"Starting with eight connections in 2013, the group has grown to have 220 active direct connections with suppliers, processing over 30 billion hotel rate combinations daily.

"The magic behind RateHawk is that these suppliers are getting bookings. And our platform is set up in such a way that if the supplier is getting bookings, then there's value in it for the customer."

And with RateHawk proving success after success, why does World Travel Market remain so important for the platform, and the wider Emerging Travel Group, to attend?

"Many people that I meet in the corridors between the stands, I like to call more than just business partners. You know, when you're doing this for 10 years, some of these people become your friends."
