Visit Rwanda: on the world stage at WTM 2023

Ariella Kageruka, head of Tourism and Conservation, spotlighted how the destination continues to stake its claim on the worlds stage, from global partnerships to trade activations. 

While you might expect to see Visit Rwanda on Arsenal shirtsleeves, they're at home at WTM, too. Ariella explained: "World Travel Market has long been an important marketplace for us and for trade in Rwanda. It is a place where we have made great connections, and has shaped how we position ourselves in the markets and continue to amplify the existence of Rwanda as a tourism destination, and keeping people updated on what's going on in the country."

With millions of eyes on the brand thanks to partnerships with Arsenal, Bayern Munich, Paris Saint-German, and more, WTM offers an opportunity to clarify exactly what Visit Rwanda strives to do, as the brand's head of Tourism and Conservation was keen to spotlight: "It is so important to be able to outline what that brand stands for, which is sustainable tourism. 

"It puts conservation at the center of what we do, and most importantly, people benefiting from tourism and from conservation."