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Israel's Ministry of Tourism brings the Western Wall online

To help combat the frustration of not being able to travel currently to Israel, the Israel Ministry of Tourism is bringing one of the most iconic Jerusalem experiences to travellers stuck at home - the Western Wall.

From today to October 21, the Ministry of Tourism is offering travel-wishers the opportunity to write a prayer/wish on an e-note via a dedicated website, after which the notes will be printed and placed in the Western Wall. 

The Western Wall, located in Jerusalem?s Old City, has been a place of religious sanctity for thousands of years. A traditional visit to this site includes writing prayers/wishes on a small piece of paper and placing it in the cracks of the wall, as it is believed the message will be taken directly to God.

Whilst many countries, including Israel, have seen tighter measures placed on its borders to prevent the spread of COVID-19, this new initiative by the Ministry of Tourism has made one of the world's most sacred sites accessible to all. 

For thousands of years, the Old City of Jerusalem has served as the crossroads of the world?s three major monotheistic religions. Visitors will find a beautiful tapestry of multiple religions living and working side by side. From the vast array of scents, including the smell of incense, fresh bread and Middle Eastern spices that permeate from the stalls and street vendors, to the beautiful & vibrant colours of the souk, visitors will fall in love with the unique offering of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Sharon E. Bershadsky, director of the Israel Tourist Office London said: ?While Israel is still closed to international travel, we wanted to create a meaningful way in which people can be inspired and connect with the spiritual sites that are abundant in our country. The Western Wall (or "Kotel," in Hebrew) is an important piece of Jewish tradition and under normal circumstances, would attract thousands of travellers from all faiths and none. With travel currently restricted, we want to make this unique Israeli experience accessible to people from the comfort and safety of their homes.?