
ABTOI puts sustainability under the spotlight at 10th annual summit

With sustainability very much the buzzword of travel this year, ABTOI invited speakers from across the industry to its 10th annual summit to dissect exactly what a sustainable travel landscape looks like.

David Atkin, waving the Atkin Jones flag, guided attendees on easy-to-adopt sustainable practices, shedding light on early steps to take and defined targets to set.

The Conservation Collective offered insight into partnership opportunities to support local environmental initiatives in destination, notably in Sicily and Tuscany.

Shedding light on the influence of the over-50s market was Debbie Marshall from the Silver Marketing Association, emphasising the importance of the demographic that controls 60% of the UK's travel spend, and what the industry can expect from the emerging market of older millennials. 

Andy Headington from Adido dialled down the AI hype, explaining whether operators should embrace or observe (more on that from Andy here).

ABTOT, the trade partners of the summit, clarified expected changes on insolvency protection, shed light on the current ATOL consultation, and suggested potential changes to the UK PTRs. 

ABTOI collaborated with Trees4Travel for the summit, balancing the carbon footprint of all attendees by planting 31 trees and compensating five tonnes of CO2e through the UK's CER renewable energy projects.