
WTM 2022: IGTO to ramp up trade activity for 2023

The Israel Government Tourist Office is looking to ramp up its activity with the trade in 2023 as the country fully reopens with the lifting of the Covid entry form requirement.

Pini Shani, deputy director general – marketing at the Israel Ministry of Tourism, spoke to Travel Bulletin at WTM 2022, explaining that the tourist board is looking forward to 2023 and supporting a number of fam trips for UK agents.

“Fam trips for agents and operators are the best way to show them what Israel has to offer. We want agents to become our ambassadors and the best way to do this is to give them the opportunity to experience our product. And we are happy to let operators decide which way to go with the type of trips they want to put together.

IGTO director Sharon E Bershadsky said the fam trips with The Travel Network Group this autumn had been a huge success and that the tourist board is looking to build on this going into 2023. “We are also planning roadshows in June and we are launching a new training programme with Equator Learning. The trade is key to us as they understand the product.”

Shani said they are looking forward to launching a winter marketing campaign but are waiting for the new Israeli government to approve a new budget for the tourist board. “Following that, we will be able to reveal the details of the campaign and look forward to spring campaigns too.”

The IGTO is looking to promote the Negev desert, said Shani, as it is easily accessible from other attractions on the tourist trail such as the Dead Sea. “We are also looking at improving the tourist infrastructure, and new hotels are opening in the region such as the Six Sense Shaharut which are a welcome addition to the region.”

Hear more from our live coverage of WTM here.