Why solo travel is "more than just a break from routine"

After breaking down how the escorted tour narrative is being rewritten and why river cruising is sailing away from misconceptions, Riviera Travel's product director Will Sarson here spotlights how (and why) the tide is turning on solo travel

"Travel is a vastly different landscape than it was just a mere few years ago. For generations past, holidays were often seen as nice-to-haves, to be enjoyed with family and friends. It’s also fair to say that people gravitated to destinations that were heavily advertised or those which their contemporaries had suggested they try.

"Travel is a vastly different landscape than it was just a mere few years ago..."

"Without a doubt, this type of scenario still plays out; we all listen to recommendations from our peers and naturally enjoy the company of our families while exploring new places. Yet, changes are afoot.

"In today’s world, a holiday is increasingly viewed as a necessity – something that empowers and which many people are not willing to forgo, whatever their circumstances and despite the cost pressures in other areas. Holidaymakers want to see different destinations and ways of life, to step outside of their comfort zones. They are acting on their desire to explore, rather than ‘waiting for another day’."

Going beyond gap year adventurers

"An area where this attitude is becoming more and more pronounced is solo travel. For many, those two words might lead them to think of gap-year adventurers, making the most of their post-education freedom before their next path in life. However, what we now see is people of all ages from all backgrounds deciding they want to go it alone.

"Data from ABTA’s annual Holiday Habits research reports that 16% of travellers said they went on holiday by themselves in the 12 months to August 2023, compared to 11% during the previous 12-month period. The research went on to show that the biggest year-on-year increase was among those aged 35-44, with solo traveller numbers more than doubling to 13% in 2023, from 6% in 2022."

"...what we now see is people of all ages from all backgrounds deciding they want to go it alone."

"For us at Riviera, the numbers paint a similarly positive picture. We’ve seen huge demand for solo travel, with a year-on-year uptick of 66% in trade bookings for dedicated solo departures across both cruise and escorted touring."

Swapping sitting on the fence for a solo soirée

"For me, there are a multitude of reasons for this. Not to dwell on the past, but it cannot be denied that the pandemic shifted people’s thinking. There’s now less of a sitting-on-the-fence mentality, leading to more active decision-making. People are less inclined to wait for others – whether that be their families or friendship groups – and are therefore taking it upon themselves to see the places they’ve longed to visit.

"What’s more, a solo adventure is ideal for meeting like-minded travellers and it’s not a stretch to say that life-long friendships are sometimes forged during the course of the holiday. And a solo holiday can be a great way to build confidence – again, stepping outside the comfort zone."

"...a solo holiday can be a great way to build confidence..."

"At Riviera, our dedicated solo programme, across touring and cruise, has evolved over the years, and continues to do so as we act on guest feedback and demand. We’re operating more solo-exclusive itineraries than ever before and it’s now a fundamental part of what we do."

Assuaging solo nerves

"Going solo can be a nerve-wracking experience, particularly for those doing it for the first time. The industry, however, helps to take away those anxious feelings with little touches that make the process easier.

"For example, on Riviera’s solo tours, we have a meet and greet at the UK departure point, a welcome dinner and drinks so guests can meet their fellow travellers and expert tour managers who specialise in solo travel. Our maximum group size of our solo tours is also just 25 people, resulting in a more intimate and personalised experience.

"As we look to the future, the solo travel trend is only set to grow. It represents more than just a break from routine - it’s a testament to personal independence, self-discovery and the courage to embrace the world on our own terms."

"...the solo trend is only set to grow. It represents more than just a break from routine..."

"Whether it's the freedom to craft a unique experience, the opportunity to meet fellow explorers, or simply the chance to take time out, solo travel empowers individuals in ways that few other pursuits can. As more people realise its benefits, the travel industry will continue to evolve, offering tailored options that cater to this growing demand.

"In this sense, solo travel isn’t just a passing trend—it’s a movement that speaks to the changing mindset of modern travellers. Long may that continue."

Will Sarson is the product director at Riviera Travel.
