Which destinations have fuelled DTH Travel's record-breaking sales in 2024?

This year's sales have already exceeded the total figure reported last year; the DMC is now on course for its best-ever year, attributing the record-breaking growth to its rebrand, announced at WTM last year.

Along with its rebranding and repositioning, which saw the provider refine its product range and guarantee a higher level of customer service for trade partners, DTH Travel is attributing its sales growth to the demand for tailor-made, authentic experiences.

Stephan Roemer, the DMC's CEO, said, "DTH Travel’s authentic travel products have been very well received across our key destinations this year. Considering they were only fully launched last year, we have seen very positive interest and they are playing a key role in driving such strong sales growth in 2024."

DTH Travel's top-selling destinations, Thailand and the Philippines, have already recouped 90% of their sales for 2023, proving the strength of South East Asia's return as a key player in the region's travel landscape.

Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Sri Lanka have already exceeded last year's figures.

Selling charts are topped by authentic experiences with community-based tourism and local immersion at their core. Stephan continued, "Thanks to the local expertise and creativity of our local offices, we are in a strong position to offer desirable and unique products to meet the evolving demands of our clients and their customers."

The DMC is responding by developing a wider range of touring product which offers clients unique and off-the-beaten-path experiences. These new experiences include a sailing through Bangkok city, giving guests a fresh perspective from the city's river banks aboard a restored antique rice barge rather than the traditional city-temple tour bus.

Luxury and slow travel remain strong segments for DTH Travel, with longer tour durations noted in the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam, plus growth in tour extension interest reported.

Accommodation options including refurbished landmarks, boutique family-run hotels and properties bedded in nature are expected to join the fray shortly as DTH doubles down on its authentic accommodation success so far this year.

"We are incredibly grateful to our network of operators and agents who trust us to deliver such products and for their support of our vision for a more sustainable future for travel," Roemer concluded.
