Stuba showcases new curations

The accommodation specialist has unveiled Trade Deals and Boutique Hotels on its website.

Stuba has expanded its site with two new agent tabs. The first, 'Trade Deals', shows agents where the biggest pricing gap between agent rates and online public rates is, to ensure agents are as clear as possible in knowing they are offering their customers with the best price and offer transparency. 

'Boutique Hotels' is designed for agents with discerning guests looking for alternatives to larger properties and chains.

The two new curations will be automatically included within Stuba's listings across other categories, including Luxe, Beach, and Trending with Other Agents. The more agents interact and book the curated listings, the better tailored their recommendations will become. 

CCO, Matt Stuart, said: "Our latest curations are both designed to make our partner’s lives easier. Boutique hotels are incredibly popular, so to have a curation that highlights them is fantastic. Some of the hotels within the collection are offering value-added offers, which are also easy to find. 

"Trade Deals is giving power back to the agent so that they can be confident that they are offering a price difference over and above online public rates; a win-win for them and their customers!"