Romantic Cities promotes history and gastronomy in regional Germany

Romantic Cities, which is part of Germanys Rhineland-Palatinate Tourist Board, aims to draw tourists away from the busy cities of Berlin and Munich and towards Mainz, Koblenz, Trier, Speyer, Idar-Oberstein and Worms, all of which are in easy reach of multiple German airports, including Frankfurt.

The tourism board can recommend wine routes through famous vineyards on the Rhine and the major promotion for 2020 is an itinerary called "Of noble emperors and precious stones", taking in the cities of Trier, Idar-Oberstein and Speyer. This itinerary takes a wide-ranging approach to history tourism with sights dating back 1,850 years right up to a museum about Karl Marx, as well as important sights from the days when what is now modern-day Germany was ruled by emperors.

With some of Germany's best examples of synagogues dating back to the 18th century, as well as the ruins of a medieval synagogue, the region is also being promoted as an important centre for visitors interested in Jewish heritage.

For more information about the itineraries in the Rhineland-Palatine region, go to