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Families feel under pressure to book those all-important holidays

We have all muttered ?I need a break? to ourselves after a long day in the office, but not everyone has the luxury of heading away ? according to research by Nottingham Civic Exchange, parents feel under pressure to afford holidays for their children.

The research, which was carried out on behalf of the Family Holiday Association, compiled interviews with ordinary working families in order to explore how people from different backgrounds experience holidays.

As a result, the company found that families earning between ?12,000-?34,000 per year are struggling to cover the costs of a family break.

Further, 70% of participants felt they travelled with their families less than other people they knew, admitting they felt guilty about not being able to afford to take their children away.

As outlined by the Family Holiday Association, many parents feel there is a limited time in which to form childhood memories, creating a ?ticking clock? effect which makes them feel guilty about what they can provide for their children financially.

?While most of the participants had been away for a break within the past year, the interviews revealed breaks are not all that they seem,? began Dr Paula Black, director of Nottingham Civic Exchange.

?Some of our families were combining trips with wider caring responsibilities, others classified a break as even just one night away from home, work and daily routines. The challenges of costs, including saving up for a holiday and time away from work, was a source of worry for many.?

Research from the Family Holiday Association has highlighted the positive impacts of having a break every now and then, with some of these benefits including improvements in mental health, reduced isolation, increased school attendance and even job-seeking behaviour.