
Instant issue cards from Tuxedo

Tuxedo Money Solutions has launched a new instant-issue line of Escape Travel Money Prepaid MasterCard Cards, allowing travel agents to sell currency cards, which are immediately activated for use the same day.

Escape is a prepaid travel card programme which integrates with agents? internal sales software to offer customers a simple, safe and cost-effective way to manage overseas spending, and enables agents to generate an additional revenue stream through commission payments.

A typical personalised card transaction would involve pre-ordering a currency card, before issuing to the customer?s address within approximately seven to ten days. Recognising the need for immediacy, the company developed the software to allow customers to purchase a currency card available for use the same day.

The company?s CEO, John Sharman, said: ?Consumers can order an Escape branded prepaid card and in seconds receive an encoded and activated card to use immediately. Our eccount technology offers a secure website from which to manage funds and also protects the balance in the event the card is lost or stolen.

?We expect businesses to see a minimum increase of 100% in sales of the Escape Travel Money Prepaid MasterCard Cards, thanks to instant issue, because the user experience of ordering and loading travel cards is now totally seamless and fuss-free.?

For more information see tuxedomoneysolutions.com, call 0203-19 3103 or e-mail businessenquiries@tuxedomoney.com

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