How to encourage your clients to explore Ras Al Khaimah sustainably

As the eco-world gears up to celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th, 2024, the Ras Al Khaimah Tourism Development Authority (RAKTDA) has shared tips to ensure your guests get the most out of their Emirati experience, while leaving as little a trace as possible.

Check its eco credentials

The RAKTDA is working with EarthCheck, a leading certifier of tourism destinations, to measure 10 key sustainability indicators.

In its certification last year, Ras Al Khaimah became the first destination in the Middle East to be awarded a Silver certification: outperforming the average destination in energy consumption by 23%, greenhouse gas emissions by 29% and waste output by 61%.

You can explore the RAKTDA's wider sustainable strategy and EarthCheck credentials here.

Sell smarter choices

With air travel emissions marking a fifth of a traveller's carbon footprint, you can encourage guests to pack light and take direct flights – like flying to Dubai for a short drive or bus transfer – rather than a connection.

Going beyond the popular attractions not only uncovers the hidden gems of the Emirate's heart, but also minimise those attractions' impact on the environment and pressures on infrastructure.

Take memories, leave no trace

The RAKTDA spotlights a whole host of eco activities, from 10 hiking trails catering to various skill levels to the nation's only pearl farm, Suwaidi Pearls, which fosters naturally-bred oysters and solar panels for energy.

Keeping it local

Supporting local businesses fosters economic and social sustainability: spotlight locally-owned picks to your clients, like sustainably-sourced meals at Camp 1770 prepared by local tribesmen.

Eco-friendly accommodation

24 hotels and attractions have earned the 'Responsible RAK' Silver certification, verified by EarthCheck: Rixos Bab Al Bahr has adopted comprehensive waste management strategies, Mövenpick Resort Al Marjan Island utilises water-saving aerators and digital key card access. The RAKTDA suggests spotlighting certified properties to passively minimise the impact of your clients' trips.