
How much is the average holidaymaker's wardrobe worth?

According to a recent survey of 1,000 holidaymakers conducted by Silver Tree Jewellery the holiday wardrobe is something us Brits take very seriously.

On average, the research found that we spend ?216.26 on new clothes for our summer holiday, with 82% of us not setting a budget before we set off to buy those holiday essentials.

As for what we spend the most on in terms of our suitcase buys, the survey found that 36% of Brits will pay the most for items of clothing, followed by the actual suitcase itself.

It seems airport fashion is just as important as looking good at our destination; a third (32%) of survey respondents have arrived at an airport with an overweight suitcase despite the fact that respondents claimed they only wore 55% of the new wardrobe.

To help avoid over-packing or over-spending, the company has created a ?Holiday Wardrobe Calculator? (at silvertreejewellery.co.uk/holiday-suitcase-calculator) for users to see the value of their suitcase contents.