
Experience Travel Group welcomes ?ray of sunshine? for the industry

Asia travel specialists Experience Travel Group (ETG) is backing the industry to capitalise on the newly announced air corridors, believing it will reignite business for hard hit travel agents.

ETG, which has seen bookings to its Far East and Indian Ocean destinations decimated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, welcomed the UK government?s ?common sense decision? to lift the quarantine imposed on The Maldives, along with Mykonos, the Canary Islands and Denmark.

Managing director Sam Clark is confident the opening of The Maldives will deliver a much-needed boost for long-haul specialists desperate for a COVID-19 safe winter sun destination. Clark hopes that this ?ray of sunshine? will enable ETG and travel agents it works with to get back to business.

He said: ?We're delighted that common sense has finally prevailed. This is great news for the Maldives tourism industry and the travel industry, which can now offer a very exciting, safe, and socially distanced holiday destination for guaranteed winter sun and pure escapism.

?We have been very aware how hard everyone in the industry has been impacted and how they have been waiting for some positive news. There is still much more to be done but at least this can begin to kick-start the industry in Asia.?

ETG was one of the first operators to introduce its own COVID-19 'Refund Promise' to enable agents to offer reassurance to customers. ETG has also prepared a Maldives Q&A, which will enable agents to offer the best advice to customers looking to book a Maldives holiday and ensure they are not subject to quarantine rules by flying via a stop-over destination.

Read the Experience Travel Group Maldives Q&A here:

ETG's COVID -19 promise can be found here: