British market joins the World Cup as Argentina's biggest post-pandemic wins

Along with 20 national industry partners, Argentina made its mark at WTM with positive news regarding the British market. 

2023 sees the UK stake its claim as the fifth largest European market for Argentina, in spite of a 40% reduction in flights since 2019. Between January and September, around 70,000 Brits headed to the destination.

This growth means that by the end of 2023, 100% of pre-pandemic tourist numbers from the UK will have been recouped.

It's not just volume that shows positive signs for Argentina: the average UK visitor is currently spending around 45% more than other foreign visitors, with the average length of stay bolstered, too. 

Ricardo Sosa, executive secretary at INPROTUR, explained the importance of the UK's market share: "The UK continues to be a very important market for us and we are excited to have reconnected with the tourism industry at World Travel Market to continue the promotion of our spectacular destination. 

"Some of the most popular experiences for UK visitors in Argentina include sampling the gastronomy and nightlife in Buenos Aires, exploring the diverse landscapes of the Argentine Patagonia, as well as seeing the breathtaking Iguazu Falls which can now be visited at night time on a boat during the full moon. In recent years, we’ve also seen a lot of interest from UK visitors going to Mendoza - the spectacular wine country in Argentina."

British Airways is backing the British demand to Argentina with a five-times-weekly service from London to Buenos Aires.