The Association of Women Travel Executives (AWTE) held its 2016 AGM in London last month, hosted by Hill Dickinson, and has announced the new line-up of board directors.
Debbee Dale will continue as chair; Andrea Clayton (City Bond) is vice chair; Louise Hodges (Travelzoo) is PR director; Susan Byrne (Tui UK & Ireland is secretary: Lorraine Barnes-Burton, (British Travel Awards) is finance director; Deb Merrifield (Marketing Radar) is membership director; Lucia Rowe (A-ROSA River Cruises) and Jessica Baine (Latin Routes) are events directors; Sarah Clayton-Turner (Travel Trade Marketing) and Lindsay Garvey-Jones (Holiday Extras) are web/comms directors; Kylie Mather (Travlaw LLP) is partnership and project director; and Aphrodite Burton (Aphrodite Burton Associates) is benevolent chair.