
ABTA launches ?Stop Sickness Scams? campaign

ABTA has launched a ?Stop Sickness Scams? campaign with the support of its members and travel industry partners.

Stop Sickness Scams calls on the new Government to crackdown on fake holiday sickness claims. It also warns holidaymakers of the consequences of making false or exaggerated claims. Campaign supporters include destination representatives and ABTA Members, including Thomas Cook, TUI, Monarch and Jet2 Holidays.

The campaign comes in tandem with the updated travel advice from The Foreign & Commonwealth Office regarding travel to Turkey and Bulgaria with an inclusion relating to personal injury claims. The advice warns that people making fraudulent claims may face legal proceedings in the UK or overseas. This follows a similar update to the travel advice for Spain and to the travel advice for Portugal.

Campaign partners are offering the following advice for consumers:

- Report claims management touts in resorts to your hotel manager and/or tour operator.

- Warn other holidaymakers if you see touts about and let your friends and family know about the problem.

- If you are cold-called and encouraged to make a fake or exaggerated claim, report the company to the Claims Management Regulator. More details at gov.uk/complain-about-claims-company

- If you are aware of a fake claim, report it to Action Fraud

- If you believe you have experienced food poisoning as a result of eating in your hotel, contact your hotel or tour operator immediately in resort. Claims companies will take a hefty slice of any compensation awarded.

- If you aren?t satisfied with the response you get from your travel company, you can pursue your case through ABTA?s independent Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme or through the small claims court.

The overall level of the advice has not changed for Bulgaria or Turkey and can be viewed in full at gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/bulgaria and gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/turkey

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