
David Bishop, Travel Counsellors, on the rising appeal of staycations

DAVID BISHOP Travel CounsellorsTravel Counsellor, David Bishop, talks about holidaying at home, and why Bognor could be the new Bali this year. 

Whether holidaying at home or abroad this year, one thing is for sure ? we will make the very most of it. I love my country, both being a proud Shropshire Lad and also a ?Sassanach? living in Edinburgh, and I?ve travelled a lot around the UK, but never, until now, really focused on this part of the market as a business opportunity. 

In the past I have been guilty of getting more excited about Bali than Bognor, but as with all things at the moment, the times they are a-changing and opportunity favours those who take it. 

We saw an increase in popularity of staycations booked in the last week of February 2021 compared to the same time last year. This is clearly due to uncertainty in the market for overseas travel, and this presents us with a new opportunity to showcase ?local expert knowledge? from a community that spans the length and breadth of the UK. 

I have been directly involved in creating tools behind the scenes that enable my fellow TC business owners and colleagues to pick the brains of the people in our community who happen to be lucky enough to live in some amazing parts of blighty, gathering essential, yet sometimes little-known, information from local experts. Now we can find the best fish and chip shop in Norfolk, a scenic walk that isn?t on any map in Glencoe, a day out which will have the kids mesmerised on the Isle of Wight, and every other hidden British gem that only locals would know about. The commercial reality of ignoring the staycation opportunity is simply not viable, and indeed crucial to the long-term success of many businesses at the moment.

So, while I cannot wait to get on a plane somewhere exotic soon, for now, there is no place like home, and I am off to the Outer Hebrides to check out some highly recommended beaches that look like they could be in the Seychelles!