What has the last 21 years of travel taught Adido – and where do we go from here?

In a year that has seen Adido examine the rise of travel search, reflect on how Taylor Swift (or 'Swiftonomics') is redefining travel, and whether AI is a fleeting fad or final frontier for travel agents, the travel digital marketing agency is now celebrating its 21st birthday

Here, we hear from Adido CEO Andy Headington on what the last 21 years have taught him – and what the next 21 years might have in store.

"This summer, Adido, the travel digital marketing agency I founded, celebrates its 21st birthday. That inspired me to look back at the travel industry - and to think about how the next 21 years might evolve too.

"In the last two decades, we’ve seen a seismic shift in how users research, get inspired and book their trips. However, there are things which have, and probably always will, stand the test of time. These can help inform how all of us set ourselves up for success."

What hasn't changed in travel?

"Interestingly, despite the boom in social media across the past two decades, friends and family are still the biggest influence when it comes to choosing a holiday. We know how much of a favourable impact influencers and content creators can have, and while they will still play an important role moving forward, the best way to make a great impression is to simply deliver memorable holidays.

"By going the extra mile, we further improve the chances of positively influencing our most trusted sources.

"We know how much of a favourable impact influencers and content creators can have... [but] the best way to make a great impression is to simply deliver memorable holidays."

"Another constant is the changeable weather at home, meaning we Brits are the same sunseekers we were 21 years ago. Back in 2003, our favourite holiday destinations were Spain, France, Greece and Italy. Fast-forward to 2024 and it’s a similar story – Spain is still comfortably our preferred non-domestic destination, followed by Greece, Italy and France. Underestimate these firm favourites at your peril.

"Finally, when it comes to booking a holiday, every traveller wants the best deal. From the days of Teletext Holidays on Ceefax, through to last-minute searches, the route to travel deals has changed but needs and wants haven’t.

"For agents and travel brands, it’s vital to communicate this value to holidaymakers. Whether that’s via upgrades, cost savings or just peace of mind about refunds, the more we can show and talk about value, the greater the chances of success."

"...the route to travel deals has changed but needs and wants haven't."

How could travel look 21 years from now?

"The last few decades have seen an uptick in travellers seeking tailored adventures that reflect their individual interests and preferences. This move away from one-size-fits-all packages reflects a broader cultural shift towards individualisation and the desire for meaningful, memorable journeys.

"The next two decades will see this trend continue as technology allows for greater depth of personalisation.

"We are also hopeful that with personalisation can come a push to take travellers to new and less popular destinations, to help solve the growing overtourism problem.

"Elsewhere, the last 12 months have seen a deluge of written and spoken words on AI. The hysteria of it killing our jobs is hopefully now in the bin, but there is no doubt AI will continue to play a role in the travel booking process.

"While this push for more technology and efficiency will abound, I expect it to be less obvious in time. Virtual assistants that become increasingly human in their tone and approach will mean technology is there when we need it, rather than being at the forefront of everything."

"This move away from one-size-fits-all packages reflects a broader cultural shift towards individualisation..."

"Finally, the last few years have seen the world of space travel and engineering make incredible progress. While there’s no doubt that floating in a tin can is a mind-blowing possibility, there are also many places on earth and under the sea that have yet to be fully explored.

"Trips to the Arctic are increasingly popular, as are deep dive adventures, and as the world’s climate changes forever, we expect many more ‘out there’ trips to become the norm.

"I can’t wait to see how our amazing industry adapts. But more than this, I can’t wait to see all the wondrous places we’ll end up exploring in the coming decades.

"Happy birthday Adido - it's been a heck of a ride!"

Andy Headington is CEO of Adido.
