What do kids want from family holidays?

Research from Original Travel has uncovered exactly what kids want from their family holidays, with results suggesting it's a lot less complicated than agents might think.

A select group of kids were asked who they would like to travel with and where, plus what they would most like to do and where they would like to stay.

It seems like kids these days are a lovely bunch: 29% would most like one-on-one time with their parents and over a third said the best thing about holidays is spending time together as a family.

Four times as many children opted for a beach break over a city stay: adventure holidays came second to coastal escapes and wildlife holidays took the third spot.

Swimming made a splash as the most popular holiday activity, shortly followed by building sandcastles and burying someone in the sand.

45% of kids want to see wildlife of some sort and almost a quarter suggested they are interested in learning about the country's history and geography in-destination.

Original Travel has positioned its family tour of Norway, blending a city stay in the former Viking capital of Trondheim with a beach break to Hosnasand as the ultimate family break based on the research. With bed-and-breakfast accommodation, return flights and five days' car hire, the tour leads in at £1,710 per person.
