
Visit Portugal?s cultural past through digital corridors

The rich cultural heritage of Portugal has been attracting tourists every year. To enable the same viewership of the collections, this year, the Portugal Tourism Board has enabled access to various collections across museums and galleries of Portugal.

Whether it is the National Palace of Sintra (https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-palace-of-sintra) or the Founders Collection, the largest private collection of art at Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (https://gulbenkian.pt/museu/en/the-founders-collection/), all of the cultural artefacts have come within arm?s reach.

Did you know that the Palace of Sintra was inhabited by the royal family till the 1900s?

You can find the tapestry with the Portuegese Royal Coat of Arms, and the cabinets with Renaissance decorations, settee beds belonging to the 17th century on display on one hand, and the Virgin and Mary painting attributed to Ceasre Da Sesto, and corda seca tile work the belonging to the 15th-16th century on the other.

There are other cultural houses too, such as the National Museum Gr?o Vasco (https://www.visitportugal.com/en/content/museu-de-grao-vasco), named after the famous artist Vasco Fernandes, and founded by Francisco de Almeida Moreira in 1915, which has a collection of 19th-century paintings, Portuguese faience, as well as oriental porcelain and furniture.

The most recent collection of contemporary art (60s onwards), Portugal and foreign artists can be found at The Serralves Foundation (https://www.visitportugal.com/en/content/museu-de-arte-contemporanea-de-serralves).

The National Coach Museum (https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=crADZwGeEXF) would be a revelation, as it documents the evolution of carriages, with a unique collection of coaches, berlins, carriages, chaises, litters and sedan-chairs used by the Portuguese and other European courts between the 17th and 19th centuries.

The National Museum of Ancient Art (https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-museum-of-ancient-art)has a wide ranging collection of religious sculptures from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period.

For more information check https://www.visitportugal.com/en

Image source:Pedro Ribeiro Simoes/ Flickr