Travel and tourism leads the way

In spite of the sharpest year-on-year fall in overall customer service satisfaction, travel and tourism organisations take two of the top 10 spots for customer satisfaction. 

As poor complaint handling and staff shortages plague businesses across the UK, travel and tourism continues to lead the way. With industry satisfaction falling by just 0.3%, it marks the joint-overall lowest decrease with banks and building societies.

The Institute for Customer Service discovered the impressive performance of the travel and tourism sectors in its recent UK Customer Service Index. 

Hoseasons had the biggest jump in customer satisfaction, rising 7.4% to 83.3% between July 2022 and 2023. 

Out of the 15 organisations who reported jumps of 2% or more in their satisfaction scores, seven were from the tourism sector. 

The top 10 was comprised of two tourism organisations, with and taking the fourth and seventh spots, respectively. Hoseasons finished 12th.