The price Brits pay to get away from the wet weather

The average price being paid by British holidaymakers to escape the wet weather has been revealed for the first time - ?1,470. The average price being paid by British holidaymakers to escape the wet weather has been revealed for the first time - ?1,470.

Brits are so desperate to escape the continual rain that demand for flights to destinations with guaranteed? sunshine has rocketed, says Virgin Atlantic. Top choices for the sun-seekers are up-market luxury destinations including the Caribbean, South African and Florida.

The figures emerged during the carrier's latest survey into customer spending habits, where a poll of more than 2,000 people highlighted how much an average Brit spends on going away - from the cost of accommodation to how much money they spend on food whilst holidaying.

Brits spend an average of six months putting away money to pay for their trip, which they start to plan around three months before they depart.

The survey also revealed British holiday makers living in the South West spend the most on food when away from home ? an average of ?470. People from the East Midlands spend the most money on new outfits, luggage and toiletries before they head off - an average of ?496.? People from the South East treat themselves to an average of two new outfits for their holiday whilst Londoners on the other hand buy a staggering five outfits before they go away.