TAT announces new brand logo and strapline

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has launched a new strapline to its ?amazing Thailand? brand named It begins with the people?.

p>The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has launched a new strapline to its ?amazing Thailand? brand named It begins with the people?.

Known as the ?Land of Smiles? and the hospitality of its people, the new brand logo will be used to market the destination worldwide, including the UK & Ireland.

The new logo was officially announced at WTM and a short video has been produced to introduce logo which can be found on the tourism board's  Facebook page Thailand Reunited (search Thailand Fan Club) or via Twitter @fanclubthailand.

Meanwhile, as part of the tourist board's annual brand campaign, and in partnership with Thai Airways International who is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year, the launch of wrapped London buses were also unveiled at the show. The official launch of TAT?s new Amazing Thailand bus campaign was celebrated with the Ambassador of Thailand, Governor of TAT and President of Thai Airways International. The buses have a romantic theme with a sunset and idyllic beach setting on each side of the bus.
From this month through to January 2014, one fully wrapped bus in London will be raising awareness of ?Romance Month? in February next year and encouraging couples to book travel for that month to receive special benefits.

TAT, the Airport Authority of Thailand (AOT) and the Immigration Bureau have launched a special promotion to attract more couples to travel to Thailand in February for the second year running. The campaign is aimed at increasing awareness of Thailand as a romantic destination and promoting value for money as a couple?s holiday. Throughout February all couples who visit Thailand via Suvarnabhumi International airport, Bangkok will receive a ?Sukjai? (meaning ?Happiness? in Thai) free gift from Tourism Thailand and will be given Premium Lane fast track immigration privileges. Two dedicated desks have been set-up to welcome couples.

All couples are welcome to take part and should make themselves known to TAT staff to register for the complimentary benefits. They can then choose whether to have their photograph taken and will be given a free gift and a special sticker that will allow them Premium Lane fast track immigration access. TAT UK will then contact the British couples who registered with the romantic Thailand campaign to ask them to share their holiday memories (on their Facebook app, Thailand Reunited) to help encourage and inspire more first timers to travel to Thailand.

For ideas and itineraries about romantic holidays in Thailand, agents can look at the first ever dedicated Thailand honeymoon brochure which was recently launched by Inspired by Asia.

For further information see www.circleoflovethailand.com