Spanish Tourist Office hosts first ‘Sustainability Day’

The tourist office hosted its inaugural ‘Spain Sustainability Day’ earlier this week, where keynote speakers and panellists discussed and debated the current challenges the industry is facing.

The conference was co-sponsored by destination partners Turismo Lanzarote and Menorca Tourism Board, both of whom celebrated 30 years of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status in 2023. Speakers includes representatives from ABTA, The Travel Foundation, Iberia, EasyJet, del Sol Tourism Board, Renfe, Paradores, Intrepid Travel, the Aviation Environment Federation, Pura Adventura, and more.

The three panels hosted at the conference covered decarbonisation within the industry, the tourism impact on local communities, and the future of sustainable transport.

Miguel Sanz, general director of Turespaña, gave the foreword identifying the path of sustainable transformation Spain is currently on. He outlined that approximately £3 billion from the European Next Generation Fund has been allocated towards the sustainable transformation in Spain, with around £1.7 billion being assigned directly to sustainability and modernisation projects proposed by Spanish destinations.