Silversea Cruises: "We are nothing without our travel and trade partners."

Conrad Combrink, the brands SVP of Expeditions, Destination and Itinerary Management, hailed praise on the trade and outlined Silverseas pioneering approach. 

Speaking to Travel Bulletin at Silversea's trade gathering in London, filling in agent partners on the latest news and innovations, Conrad Combrink reiterated his support and thanks for the trade.

"At the end of the day, we're nothing without our travel and trade partners. Although we have got a direct channel, the trade is fundamental to our success. When we talk about expedition, we have seen a growth in expedition availability, as well as growth in demand for expedition cruising. That's why we're in this sector.

"The goal for us, not only with roadshows like this, but the Expedition Focus Month in June, is to help our trade partners understand not only the benefit of expedition, but also to help them understand and give them the tools they need to sell expedition cruising, because it requires a unique understanding.

"For us, it's super important that guests and the trade understand the difference between Silversea and the competition. More importantly, with a lot of brand new ships, and we have those too, but establishing that it's what we do with our ships that sets us apart. We've got some of the best people in the industry planning and some of the best people in the industry on the ships, and those two teams together deliver dreams."

Beyond the event's trade focus, Conrad made it clear that Silversea is uniquely positioned for the sustainable wave the cruising sector must ride. 

"Not only as a member of the cruise industry, but as one of the tourism industry as a whole, we feel such a responsibility. We take people to these destinations, and we need to do that in a responsible manner.

"You can only do it in that manner by engaging with communities at a grassroot level. I'm keenly aware that the world of tourism has the ability to transform at that level.

"Most important for me is whatever we do, we do it as a partner in collaboration with the destination."

The same sentiment was shared with his presentation, where the senior VP of Expeditions, Destination and Itinerary Management echoed his statements: "ESG (environmental and social governance) is a way of life. Silversea takes it seriously, we know it's the right thing to do and we have to be responsible.

"Communities must benefit from our visits in the same, if not a more powerful, way that the guests and Silversea do.

"We work with smaller organisations in-destination that can make important impacts on the ground, and we ensure the money we spend remains in-destination. Why? Because it's the right thing to do."