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Scenic Eclipse becomes a member of International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators

Scenic Eclipse is an official member of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) after its first successful season of sailing the Antarctic in March-April 2020.

The luxury yacht is fitted with technology and equipment to protect the environment and the pristine destinations it visits, so it will not create emissions, noises or vibrations which might disturb the environment or marine life.

The GPS dynamic positioning system allows for an anchorless docking and an advanced wastewater treatment system and highly efficient engines help to reduce or minimise the disturbances in the Antarctic and other unspoilt natural habitats.

As a result of its efficient and sustainable services, Scenic Eclipse will now join IAATO as a full-fledged operator, with 50 other Antarctica Operators, to protect the future of the region.

Joseph Grimley, director of trade sales said, ?As a member of IAATO, Scenic Eclipse?s agent partners and guests can be assured that our operations will exceed industry standards. IAATO?s mission to advocate, promote and practice safe and environmentally responsible tourism to the Antarctic, is well-aligned with the ethos and philosophy of the Scenic Group. As members, compliance with IAATO rules and regulations ensures long-term viability of Antarctica and protection of its natural environment for future generations.?

For the upcoming 2020-21 Antarctica season, Scenic Eclipse is operating a16-day Antarctica in Depth and the 23-day Antarctica and South Georgia & Falkland Islands itinerary across 10 different departure dates. IAATO is working closely with members to determine the commencement date for the next season.

For information visit: https://www.scenic.co.uk/

Image credit: Steven dosRemedios