Read all about it with has launched two new electronic splash-mags, exclusively for travel agents.

p> has launched two new electronic splash-mags, exclusively for travel agents.

The company's business manager, Annabel Cove, said, "Keeping a strong relationship with our agents is very important to us, which is why we try to visit them as much as possible and why we are now very excited to be launching two new e-magazines to keep agents up to date with the latest developments from DSD HQ in-between visits."

The DSD Times will be sent out on the last Thursday of each month via email and will cover news from DSD HQ, features on agents and a snap of the month, while What?s different? will be a monthly e-update for the trade, talking about the company's top selling tickets and destinations of the month, new attractions and rides, news on agent incentives, plus updates.

To sign up to receive the magazines email or call 020-8090 3890.