Promote Iceland launches second phase of marketing campaign

Promote Iceland has announced the second phase of its Inspired By Iceland year round tourism campaign, Gu?mundur 2.0, bringing a host of new features to its internet service, Ask Gu?mundur, the world?s first human search engine.

Following the success of phase one, which saw thousands of questions about Iceland asked on social media, the campaign works in line with Promote Iceland?s objective to encourage visitors to explore the country beyond its captial city, Reykjavik, into the lesser known Icelandic regions.

The latest chapter of the campaign aims to increase visitors to other Icelandic regions by 25% for the winter season.

Gu?mundur 2.0 features Gu?mundur Hangouts, seven once-in-a-lifetime experiences offering people the opportunity to hang out in real life with one of Iceland?s special Gu?mundur regional representatives.

These representatives were first introduced earlier this year as part of the Ask Gu?mundur campaign, in which people from all over the world were invited to ask questions about Iceland on social media using #AskGu?mundur and recieved a personalised video reply from each of Iceland?s seven regions who offered their insider knowledge to the world.