Premier Holidays comments on the diving ban due to hit Thailand

David Carlaw, Head of Faraway Product, Premier Holidays, comments on the diving ban due to hit Thailand:

p>David Carlaw, Head of Faraway Product, Premier Holidays, comments on the diving ban due to hit Thailand:

?The proposed diving ban in Thailand will likely raise popular opinion that tourism will suffer to the resorts on the side of the Andaman Sea on Thailand?s west coast. The ban, though, is designed to stop ?bleaching? of the coral, which occurs when it becomes stressed and dies.

?We do not feel that UK tourism to Thailand will suffer, as the country offers picture perfect beaches and breathtaking scenery, at a fraction of the price of other faraway tropical locations. We send thousands of clients back to the destination year after year, who are drawn by its fabulous cuisine and beautiful temples. ?We respect this initiative to support and conserve Thailand?s natural marine environment and are confident our customers will too.?