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Polar Routes launches intimate ‘Ultimate Antarctic Expedition’

The polar expedition specialist is offering a unique opportunity to experience Antarctica more intimately than ever before on its exclusively chartered ‘Ultimate Antarctic Expedition’. 

Combining unrivalled passion with years of knowledge and experience, the expedition will sail for 23 days between January 21 and February 12, 2025, exploring the very best of Antarctica and venturing into secluded areas where other ships cannot reach. 

Guests will be able to spot wildlife including whales, penguins, elephant seals and albatross, as well as follow in the footsteps of the pioneering explorer Ernest Shackleton to Elephant Island. 

Every full expedition day will feature two extensive off-ship excursions, and environmental historian, broadcaster and award-winning author, Dr Huw Lewis-Jones, will lead the group on their endeavours. 

Dr Huw Lewis-Jones said: “Whether it is to get up close with penguins, marvel at sublime landscapes, or learn more fascinating polar history, this is a journey like no other. Unforgettable experiences await you.”

Prices for the expedition start at £14,999 per person in sharing cabin and includes the 21-night cruise, a one-night hotel prior to departure, internal flights from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia, a full programme of excursions and lectures, and an expert expedition guide. 
