Personal Travel Agents at Co-operative Travel holds a pre-Christmas roadshow

The head office team at The Personal Travel Agents at Co-operative Travel toured the country from December 9 ? 13 with a regional roadshow, to prepare the company?s more than 170 homeworkers for the January peak booking period.

Starting in Sheffield, the roadshow also visited Manchester, London, Bristol, and Birmingham. The theme of the roadshow was ?Super Peaks? and was designed to inspire the homeworkers to release their inner superhero during the busy peak booking period.

It featured an update from the business, highlights and snapshots from 2019, recent award nominations and wins, information on the January peak booking campaigns, new initiatives for 2020, marketing updates and training.

It also featured an awareness-raising session on looking after personal mental health, training in ways the homeworkers can raise their business profiles locally, updates on some of the exciting incentives and prizes launching for the peak booking period, an update from Co-operative Holidays, a sponsor update and more.

The agents, donning their Christmas jumpers, enjoyed a Christmas lunch and Secret Santa gifting, as well as a gift from the head office team. Each day culminated with a quiz themed to new learnings from the day, with a prizes such as a spa day or Fortnum & Mason Christmas food hampers for the winners.

Sheena Whittle, Head of the consortium, said: ?The focus of the roadshow is to help our agents find their inner superhero and reinforce their super powers as a Personal Travel Agent at Co-operative Travel! Everyone has worked so hard this year and we love getting out on the road, saying thank you, well done and making sure our homeworkers know they are never alone.  There is always an eager and dedicated team supporting them.?

Looking ahead to 2020, the company is introducing and expanding a raft of marketing initiatives and tools that will power the homeworkers while they are busy during the January peak.  Initiatives cover local marketing strategies as well as social media campaigns.

The head office team has arranged for extra dedicated support for agents during the peak booking period.

To keep stress levels to a minimum, during the January peak, the company will implement the 'Wednesday Walk'. Designed to ensure the personal travel agents step away from their desks and get some fresh air, the homeworkers are encouraged to take selfies of themselves on their walk and post pictures in the virtual office, to share the positive energy and inspire others to follow suit.

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