Onboard Christmas with Icelandair

Launching its Christmas Traditions start Onboard campaign, guests can enjoy sleigh loads of Christmas tradition before their flight takes off. 

With Iceland renowned for its Christmas tradition and celebrations, Icelandair hopes to fill the month of December with festive spirit from the minute guests check in. All flights throughout December will play Christmas boarding music, with small treats and hot chocolate available on board for all passengers. Christmas-themed meals are served to passengers travelling in Saga premium.

Once guests land, they can enjoy the Christmas festivites which start on the first day of Advent, four Sundays before Christmas Eve. The 'Oslo Tree', traditional sent from Oslo (but now locally sourced) to downtown Reykjavik, is a tradition beginning in 1951 which draws guests from around the world. 

The 'Christmas Book Flood' also takes place, celebrating Iceland's obsession with books- the country sells more per capita than any nation and the majority are sold in the run-up to Christmas.

Christmas Eve is also a bigger celebration than Christmas Day itself, as Icelandics customarily eat 'hangikj?t', a salty smoked lamb, accompanied with a white sauce, peas, red cabbage and and a Christmas drink called j?la?l, a mixture of a fizzy orange drink called Appels?n and malt. The day before Christmas eve, ?orl?ksmessa, celebrates the 12th-century Saint Thorlak Thorhallsson, with a skate dinner and potatoes.
