nicko cruises launches 2024 brochure

The brochure compiles a collection of itineraries available for the 2024 season, featuring seven European rivers and the debut of the latest vessel, the Bellejour. 

nicko cruises has put together a collection of 24 itineraries across the Danube, Rhine and Moselle, Rhone, Soane, Seine and Douro rivers for the trade brochure, which is available in either print or on the company’s website. 

New for 2024, all Danube cruises now include a pre-cruise hotel stay in Passau, and the Christmas and New Year programme has been expanded with additional cruise son the Danube and Rhine. 2024 will also see the addition of the Bellejour to nicko’s fleet, taking 180 passengers through some of Europe’s most iconic waterways. 

Light Blue Travel’s commercial director, Michelle Daniels, said: “Following fast on the heels of the launch of the handy nicko cruises reference tool, ‘Selling Guide’ for UK agents, comes the 2024 expanded nicko cruises brochure produced specifically for the UK market. Light Blue Travel’s River Cruise Academy training programme will be expanded very shortly to include an extensive nicko cruises training programme and in-depth European rivers module, as well as other trade initiatives in the pipeline for the remainder of this year, including several FAM trips and a Vasco Da Gama ship visit in Portsmouth.”

All cruises featured in the brochure are all-inclusive, with lead-in prices beginning at £945 per person. No fly cruises are also available.