
New family adventures from Explore

Explore?s new Family Adventures programme for 2011/12 includes five new trips to Costa Rica, Egypt, Israel, Nepal and Nicaragua.

p>Explore?s new Family Adventures programme for 2011/12 includes five new trips to Costa Rica, Egypt, Israel, Nepal and Nicaragua.

? The minimum age for travellers is five years old for most departures, and two for Toddler Tours. Trips last from four to 16 days and comprise small groups of families travelling with a tour leader. The 2011/12 brochure also marks the debut of Huxley the Hippo, the company's new mascot, with every family booking on a Family Adventure receiving the cuddly toy in exchange for taking a picture of him on the trip to be entered into competitions.? As an example of prices, an eight-day Dordogne Adventure in France costs ?635 per person including travel by Eurostar, transfers, seven nights? breakfast accommodation and most activities.


For more information call 0844-499 0901 or visit www.explore.co.uk?

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