Morocco bookings up over 200% says Prestige Holidays

Prestige Holidays has seen a year on year increase in bookings to Morocco of 230%.

p>Prestige Holidays has seen a year on year increase in bookings to Morocco of 230%.

Prestige's packages for summer start from ?419 per person for a three night stay at the Le Meridien N?Fis including scheduled Royal Air Maroc flights, private taxi transfers, the services of our local representative and B&B accommodation in a superior room.

Nicky Shafe, marketing manager, Prestige Holidays, said: ?We are thrilled with how well our Morocco programme is selling. I think our early booking offers, free night deals and competitive prices have all contributed to this growth and of course it is a non-Euro destination, which is also very important.

"There have been a lot of hotel developments and refurbishments over the past few years which has attracted interest. Also our innovative email system enables us to provide agents with tactical offers within 30 minutes of one arriving from a hotelier."

Prestige reports that La Mamounia has been one of its top sellers since its reopening last September as repeat guests are keen to go and see the fantastic changes they have made.

Also its varied selection of Riads and Es Saadi Palace are booking very well too.

The most recent additions to the operator's programme are Kasbah Tamadot, a stunning rural hotel near Asni in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains ? just an hour?s drive from Marrakech and the Murano Resort just outside of Marrakech in the Palmeraie, a very stylish property offering just junior suite and suite accommodation.

For further information please call 01425 480400 or see