Louis Theroux shares top travel tips at WTM 2023

The BBC legend took to a closing keynote at WTM 2023 to share his top travel tips.

From cult leaders to neo-Nazis, Louis Theroux has seen it has all. He said he latches onto people's curiosities: "they are often confused people trying to reach out... the weirdest thing about weird people is how normal they are."

Of course, with his vast experience comes a host of different cultures to navigate. His one piece of advice? 

"Be prepared, be respectful and listen. Be aware of the red flags in terms of what is going to cause offence."

Emblematic of travellers' intrepid approach since the pandemic, Louis explained his excitement around travel stems from "meeting extraordinary people, as opposed to travelling extraordinary distances."

When planning, the documentary maestro is keen to "have experiences that mean you get deep quickly, rather than places that are giving you a buffet and an Elvis show... not that I'm not partial to an Elvis show!"

His unorthodox bucket list includes North Korea – the nation he feels shares most similarity to the cults he's investigated in the past.