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LATAM Airlines launches ?Recycle your Journey? sustainability programme

LATAM Airlines has introduced ?Recycle your Journey? programme to recycle waste from Mercado LATAM, the company?s buy-on-board food service.

The programme which started in July ensures Mercado LATAM packaging is recycled on all domestic flights in Chile, separating aluminium, glass and plastic. This initiative will also be introduced throughout its operations in Latin America.

Ignacio Cueto, president of the airline group, said: "As one of the three most sustainable airline groups in the world, we are committed to bringing about change and leading by example. The launch of our ?Recycle your Journey? programme on domestic flights in Chile represents just the first step towards the introduction of on-board recycling across our network.?

He added: "Without the support and willingness of our passengers and the commitment of our cabin crew, on-board recycling is not possible."

Between August and December, the airline group expects to recycle more than 20 tonnes of waste from domestic flights in Chile. This is the first stage of the company?s onboard recycling programme with the goal of recycling 100% of Mercado LATAM packaging in the future. By the end of 2020, the company expects to recycle more than 55 tons of on-board waste per year.

?Recycle your Journey? programme will be carried out in many stages. It starts with customers buying food and drink on-board. Later, the cabin crew will collect waste packaging from passengers, separating aluminium, glass and plastic. Upon arrival, the group's partner LSG Sky Chefs will receive the separated waste and transport it to local recycling centres.

The initiative went through four trials before launch. Currently, aluminium, glass and plastics are being recycled.

?Recycle your Journey? is part of LATAM?s ?Together, More Sustainable? sustainability strategy.

Visit https://www.latam.com/en_uk/ to find out more.