Kuoni?s Global Holiday Report reveals how holidaymakers cut loose

Kuoni?s first Global Holiday Report reveals how holidaymakers cut loose

p> Kuoni?s first Global Holiday Report reveals how holidaymakers cut loose

- French holidaymakers seek budget food, Italians have the most sex with strangers, the Spanish splash their cash, Indian women eat fast food, the Swiss loathe topless sunbathing and sustainability and eco-tourism are most important to Swedes.


These are just some of the stark cross-cultural behavioural differences highlighted between 12 disparate markets when on holiday.

The report was taken from responses of more than 12,000 people and reveals sizzling facts about holidaymakers? love lives while away from home, about the detailed preparation before a holiday, how eating habits change and dress sense relaxes, how some try out different personas and overall what the impact of a holiday is once home. It reinforces how a break from everyday life can broaden horizons and change behaviour.

Does good dress sense disappear out the hotel window when on holiday?

Swiss and German economist, philosopher and writer Philipp Tingler believes so. He said: ?Wearing too few clothes, the wrong perception of casual and excessive assimilation are the three most common mistakes in choosing a holiday wardrobe."

The report highlights that Indian holidaymakers dress more provocatively (25%), the French dress down (55%) and Brits wear less (15%) when ?abroad? ? and Italians are voted as top ?fashionistas? (33%).

The company's CEO, Peter Rothwell, said: ?The report showcases interesting insights about the behaviour of travellers across the globe. This underlines our initiatives to further extend our services and to develop our know-how to be the ?trusted advisor? and ?destination insider? by understanding customers? deep seated wants and needs from a holiday. The report also provides an ideal way to help us fulfil those needs with passion on the spot and can assist us in developing new ways of travelling, too.?

The report is available to view online at www.kuoni.com/holidayreport