Kids call the shots on holiday

A survey conducted by Dubai Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) offers an insight for parents into what their kids really want from a family holiday.

p> A survey conducted by Dubai Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) offers an insight for parents into what their kids really want from a family holiday.

?Almost 80%?of children surveyed revealed they had a say in where their family went on their last holiday, while 97%?believe their parents are happy to go along with whatever they want to do on holiday. The DTCM says that these statistics highlight a new trend that kids are making the decision and demanding more when it comes to family holidays.


The sea and swimming pools alone won?t cut it anymore;?today?s children want to try something new - a?fifth?of respondents were keen to try more adventurous activities on holiday such as?quad biking and skiing, with almost half of all children surveyed saying they?d enjoy unique experiences.?

This is in line with wider travel trends which have seen a move away from the traditional 'fly and flop' holiday in favour of an emphasis on experience. ?? The weather proved a determining factor for?one in four?children?surveyed, and winter?sun?destinations proved to be a firm favourite for family holidays.

UK & Ireland director of the DTCM, Ian Scott, said: ?As any parent knows, kids are demanding more and more from their family holiday and play a much bigger role in the decision-making process.?These results show that destinations are going to have to work harder if they want to attract this new generation of experience seekers ? it?s no longer just about lounging by the pool, there has to be more to please?today?s kids."