JTA Travel reports year of strong growth

Midland-based tour operator and flights specialist JTA Travel reports that this year has been another year of strong growth, and attributes part of the success to the launch of its cruise website, Needacruise.co.uk.

p>Midland-based tour operator and flights specialist JTA Travel reports that this year has been another year of strong growth, and attributes part of the success to the launch of its cruise website, Needacruise.co.uk.


The system brings together all the elements of cruise booking, such as airlines including schedule, low-cost and charter flights with cruise fares and hotels, enabling agents to build cruise packages with savings of up to 40%. All packages are covered by Atol and delayed departure cover. The company has also set up a dedicated team of cruise experts to support agents.

The operator's managing director, Wayne Darrock, said: "Our key focus has been on providing technology and tools which travel agents need to be competitive in the industry. This is why Needacruise.co.uk was in the pipeline for two years before its launch. "We wanted to ensure that Needacruise not only stands out from the competition, but most importantly is easy to use and meets agents? needs by offering the latest in cruise packaging technology, the widest variety of all major cruise lines in the market, packaging with flight and accommodation options and such important extras as delayed departure cover.

"Our system provides agents with access to all major airlines and fares including Cruise IT fares and all complimented by a significant hotel programme for pre- and post-stays to deliver the cruise package in minutes."

For more information see www.jtatravel.co.uk