Joseph Grimley makes travel return with Fred. Holidays

The ex-Scenic and Riviera sales manager has returned to travel with Fred. Holidays, joining fellow ex-Riviera BDM Paul Mellon as the operator doubles the business development manager team. 

Spending a couple of years away from the industry, Joseph will begin his new role on February 12th, 2024: on his appointment, Joseph said he is "very excited to be returning to the industry that I've loved for more than 30 years. I've missed it!

"I can't wait to join the amazing team and get out and about introducing agents and their customers to one of the industry's best-kept secrets."

Tricia Birmingham, Fred. Holidays' director of tour operation, added that Joseph's "experience will prove invaluable as we continue to grow and support our trade partners with the addition and creation of a new trade support team."