
Jet2holidays extends flights and holidays suspension

The temporary suspension has been extended up to, and including, April 14, 2021.

Jet2holidays, the airline and package holiday operator, has extended its suspension of flights and holidays up to and including April 14, 2021, due to the uncertainty of leisure travel's immediate future.  

A spokesperson for Jet2 explained: ?Due to the ongoing uncertainty and travel restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have taken the decision to extend the suspension of flights and holidays up to and including 14th April 2021. Where customers yet to travel are affected by any programme changes, we will automatically cancel their booking with a relevant refund. For independent travel agents with customers who are due to travel from 15th April onwards, we will provide further updates closer to the time as appropriate. We would like to thank our valued customers and independent travel agency partners for their patience and understanding.?

Customers will be approached with further updates closer travel dates and as more concrete rescheduling becomes available.

www.jet2.com and www.jet2holidays.com