Israel diversifies approach to spotlight a destination 'Exactly Like Nowhere Else'

Sharon Bershadsky, the director of the London Israel Government Tourist Office, spoke to Travel Bulletin on promising signs from the UK market, a fresh approach, and the importance of the trade. 

Israel as a destination has hit the ground running in 2023, maintaining its presence in the UK travel landscape and launching a new campaign showcasing the destination behind classic spots such as Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. 

The new 'Exactly Like Nowhere Else' campaign spans key online platforms, including Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. The campaign's 'digital-first' approach aims to spotlight Israel's individuality as a destination and establish a personal connection with its visitors.

"We've adapted our message from the 'Two Cities, One Break' focus we worked with over the last few years, focusing on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The 'Exactly Like Nowhere Else' campaign crafts something more memorable, and spotlights other products agents and operators can sell. We had a lot of feedback following the success of 'Two Cities, One Break', mostly asking "What else can we sell?" across Israel."

With the campaign, Israel's Ministry of Tourism highlights the diversity, history, people and places that form the destination, and spotlights its role as a burgeoning mid-haul destination beyond the popular cities of Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. The campaign will see over a quarter of a million pound's worth of outdoor advertising in the UK's capital in February and March 2023 as consumers look ahead to spring and summer holiday bookings. 

On the importance of the UK market for Israel, the director of the London Israel Government Tourist Office explained: "Previously, the UK was our fifth biggest source market. We've exceeded that now, it's risen to our third biggest source, and we're seeing that Brits are voting with confidence. That makes us want to focus on exactly what this market is looking for." 

The UK accounted for over 13,000 arrivals in Israel in January 2023 (excluding cruise arrivals and day visitors), which reflected an over 297% increase on the same month in 2022 and 9% on January 2019's figures, proving the UK market has shown an impressive recovery from the pandemic. 

Naturally, the trade has a key role to play in the UK's importance as a source market, as Bershadsky continued: "Our number one way of working in our London office is with the trade. Our day-to-day activity is reaching out to the operators and agents and hearing from them."

"We have an e-mail list of agents from our various events and activities, especially the Travel Bulletin showcases. On that newsletter we offer agents all the latest updates and regular competitions and giveaways. Our online academy with TravelUni is a great resource with all the operators need to know.

"The Office is working hand-in-hand with a lot of operators for joint marketing, such as our ongoing work with Cyplon.

"Agents do all the hard work for us in selling the destination, and it's about positioning and responding to where they see the demand."

On her personal must-do in Israel, Bershadsky explained: "It's so hard to pick! If I can choose a couple, I'd start with the beach, and then find a place with great sabich. Tel-Aviv is a culinary empire, there's so many great picks. There really is something for everyone."