
Holiday Extras certifies Eurovision victors as Good Trip Index leaders

The provider's index, which ranks responsible tourist destinations across several metrics, has confirmed Switzerland as the leader of its third annual index, highlighting its freedom and quality of life.

Introduced in 2022, when holidaymakers began to make it clear that travelling responsibly is a more significant consideration than ever before, the third annual iteration of Holiday Extras' Good Trip Index has been released.

Elizabeth Hogg, Holiday Extras' COO, said the index aims to "take the hassle out of finding responsible travel destinations for our customers, who tell us in ever-greater numbers that ethical considerations play a large part in picking where they go on holiday."

Switzerland sways the scales over Scandinavia

Switzerland took the top spot amidst strong competition from other Scandinavian nations, gaining two points against last year's leader Denmark.

It was not just Denmark that represented some fierce competition against this weekend's Eurovision winners: Sweden, Norway and Finland comprised the remaining top five.

Iceland came in sixth place, noted for its quality of life and sustainability, followed by New Zealand and Ireland.

The Netherlands and Estonia rounded out the top 10.

A changing tide

Continuing, Elizabeth said: "As world events lead holidaymakers to look into the impact of the destinations they choose to visit, in the last twelve months we’ve seen an even higher concern around the climate impact of their travel, and how they can make the most responsible decisions possible.

"Our mission is to make travel hassle-free, and this index makes it easy for holidaymakers to make an informed decision based on the ethical considerations that matter the most to them."