
Gold Medal launches new live tool to help navigate travel traffic light system

Today, Gold Medal, has put a new tool live on its website to assist travel agents in their conversations with clients, as they navigate the new traffic light system for travel. 

The tool utilises the platform developed by which aggregates millions of data points from thousands of sources, including governments, airlines, airports, tourism boards, public forums and media outlets all over the world in to a simple user interface. This will enable agents to quickly and easily search for the COVID-19 testing and quarantine rules for both outgoing and return routes.

Kerry Gallagher, marketing director, comments: ?There?s bound to be some confusion around the different restrictions imposed by destinations around the world when the traffic light systems is announced today, and we want to support agents in helping them cut through that and give clear, sound advice to their clients. We?re delighted to be able to make this tool available to them and take some of that potential stress away.?

Check out the tool here