With Pok?mon Go mania gripping the world, Discover L.A. has revealed the best locations around the city for Pok?mon catchers ? from bars offering specials to rental bikes equipped with phone holders to maximise their Pok?mon catching-ability.
As an example Bikes & Hikes LA is offering a Pok?mon bike rental special that comes with phone holders so that people can catch more Pok?mon and is also offering a group team building challenge.
Meanwhile the Museum of Contemporary Art, located on Grand Central Avenue in Downtown L.A., is offering a 50% discount off general admission to the museum for all Pok?mon Go players.
For Pok?mon trainers in need of refreshment, Rusty?s Surf Ranch is located on the historic Santa Monica Pier and is offering a $5 drink special. The ?Charizard? is made with Jack Fire, soda and a splash of lemon and with a number of rare Pok?mon sighted on the pier, is an ideal spot for visitors to enjoy a cocktail whilst updating their Pokedex.