The operator has reported that 29% of bookings have come from agents over the last four weeks
Additional resources, increased marketing budgets and new team members have helped to drive up agency sales, with family holidays a particular market favorite through agents.
Japan is also topping the tables in terms of agent sales as 41% of bookings over the last month have been to the Far East destination. Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Vietnam round out the top five destinations for the operator.
Philippa Baines, agency sales manager for Explore, said, “After a steady few months of consistent year-on-year growth, over the last four weeks we’ve seen that 29% of all incoming bookings have been from travel agents, compared with 17% during the same period last year.
“We’ve always been an agent-friendly brand, promising 100% price parity, with all our promos and discounts – including loyalty discounts – available via agents and fully funded by us. Now with a bit of additional resource, and marketing spend behind us, we’re able to realise more of our plans, which is having a great impact.”